Personal Fitness Module 3.02

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3.02 Stress and Coping Strategies Positive Coping Strategies|Negative Coping Strategies| 1. Avoid people who stress you out|1. Smoking| 2. Express your feelings instead of bottling them up|2. Drinking too much| 3. Focus on positive|3. Using pills or drugs to relax| 4. Share your feelings|4. Taking out your stress on others (lashing out, angry outburst, physical violence)| 5. Exercise regularly|5. Withdrawing from family, friends and activities.| 2. How Do You React? Think about each question and answer thoughtfully. Imagine yourself in each of the following scenarios and describe how you would react. Be specific in your responses. o Scenario 1: You just failed a test. - If I were to fail a test, I would probably be very angry to myself for maybe not studying enough. I will make sure next time I would be prepared and ready to ace the test. o Scenario 2: Someone from your neighborhood is hit by a car and was killed. - I would probably feel anguish to his/her loved ones. o Scenario 3: You just got a raise at your part time job. - I would feel ecstatic and ready to earn money. o Scenario 4: You have just been chosen to participate in a very prestigious competition for your school - I would feel grateful and overwhelmed because our school have trust in my abilities. o Scenario 5: There is constant tension and arguing among family members. - I would step-in and try to stop the tension among family members. I will talk to each one of them and remind them how important the relationship of our family o Scenario 6: You have just been accepted to the college you really want to attend. - I would be very happy because I will have a chance to pursue my dreams and live a happy life. 3. Are Your Coping Skills Positive or Negative? Now that you have had an opportunity to research and list your own coping strategies, are you using the best
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