Personal Factors of the Consumer

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Personal Factors of the Consumer Vanessa D. Goins for Professor Fady Sahhar BUSI 520 D13 July 14, 2012 Personal Factors of the Consumer There are many factors that can affect the buying process of a consumer, let us shed some light on some personal factors which influence the buying process of the customer. Personal Factors that influence consumer purchasing include the consumer’s age, occupation, economic status, lifestyle, personality and self-concept. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2001), Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of the individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Age and Life Cycle Stage: Like the social class the human life cycle can have a significant impact on consumer behavior. The life cycle is an orderly series of stages in which the consumer attitude and behavioral tendencies evolve and occur because of developing maturity, experience, income, and status. Occupation and Income: Today people are very concerned about their image and the status in the society which is a direct outcome of their material prosperity. The profession or the occupation a person is in again has an impact on the products they consume. The status of a person is projected through various symbols like the dress, accessories and possessions. Life Style: Our life styles are reflected in our personalities and self-concepts, same is the case with ant consumer. A lifestyle is a person’s mode of living as identified by his or activities, interests and opinions. There is a method of measuring a consumer’s lifestyle. This method is called as the psychographics, which the analysis technique is used to measure consumer lifestyles-people’s activities, interests and opinions. Then based upon the combinations of these dimensions, consumers are classified. Unlike personality typologies, which are difficult to
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