Personal Ethics Statement

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My personal ethics code is to be a good man and stand for something that will make my family’s life better. You have to stand for something in life so I choose to stand for honor and integrity. I want to be a man that my sons will have respected for. I was taught by my grandfather to be honest God fearing man. I was raised to do what is right all the time. It’s not always easy to do the right thing. I know that I am young and will make mistakes, but that doesn’t make me a bad person. It gives me a chance to learn how to do something the right way next time. Being raised in a Christian environment shaped a lot of my beliefs. I was taught to be honest, don’t steal, and forgive others. I chose to be a Marine because it encompasses all of these values that I hold in such high regard. Marines stand for integrity and value. To me, that is something to be proud of. There is a level of respect that is expected from you at all times. There is no tolerance for drugs and that is a rule I agree whole heartedly with. You must obey all laws in order for everyone to live together peacefully. I have learned in this class that my personal ethics affect every aspect of my life. I must have strong ethics when doing school work so my values are reflected though my personal integrity. I know that one of my down falls is that I have a short temper but I am learning be handle that in a more productive way. Being a father teaches you to handle situations differently. I want my sons to look up to me and strive to achieve greatness. That is a reflection of what type of man they saw in me. In the end, when all is said and done, I hope to have left this world a better place. I know that life is hard and there will be bumps in the road. I feel that as long as I do my best and learn from my mistakes, I will have no regrets. To me, that is what it means to be a good man and stand for

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