Personal Ethics Development Paper

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Personal Ethics Development Paper Personal ethics are what determine an individual’s beliefs of right and wrong, good, and evil, and morality when pertaining to philosophy. The origination of personal ethics still has some disagreements among philosophers (Wood, 2003 - 2011). Some support the existence of God through man’s sense of morality (Wood, 2003 - 2011). Others argue that social conditions are the cause of individual’s ethics and that they are not inherent (Wood, 2003 - 2011). Personally I believe that an individual gain their personal ethics by the way that they are raised and the paths that they choose to follow. My personal ethical preferences began at home, from parents, and family. My parents gave me the first look at what was right and what was wrong, according to what they had previously learned from their parents and their life experiences. They taught me to have respect for other; ma’am and sir were a must to anyone that has earned those titles. Within my family religion headed me in a variety of directions. We all have different religious beliefs: Christians, Methodist, Catholics, Muslims, and some have no religious beliefs at all. The second line of ethical beliefs comes from the people that I chose to affiliate myself with. Even if their intentions were good or bad, my decision to follow or defer was a direct reflection of my personal character development. Most people choose to be around people with similar ethical beliefs so that they will not be put into unwanted predicaments. My third source of ethics came from being in the military. The three major areas that the military are built on are honor, courage, and commitment. Within the military and the people I met in it, I learned that trust and honesty are what make or break you. Everyone entrusts that you are doing your job so that they can do theirs. If your job is not

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