Personal Ethics and Effective Leaders

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Introduction Over 25 years, the definition of leadership has developed over time in the business world. Leadership has more than 200 definitions in which questions arise of what leadership actual means. In this paper an analysis of the importance of personal ethics in leadership will describe how good ethics may produce an effective leader. It is important to understand ethics, the motivation on how to act as a role model and how to develop a plan of action for an organization because these understandings are the development of good leadership. These are a few keys aspect of suggestions on personal ethics in leadership, and when priorities for a leader will produce ethical and effective leadership. Ethical leadership may have many meanings. It may be a response to the ethic crisis in an organization whereas one call may be for more ethical leadership. Many organizations executives and businesses thinkers may believe that ethical leaders must set an example for his or her organization and to be successful with temptation that may occur in the future. These examples will reveal that the leader may have the correct values with strong character will show that the reality of ethical leadership is more complex, and stakes are high. In an organization discovers that an ethical leader takes into account of having acquiring the power over his or her followers and key stakeholders. Abridged Literature Review More than 200 definitions of leadership have been developing in the business world for many years. Because of so many definitions, a question has arisen in how to define leadership, and to what is a good leadership. According to Ciulla (2004), the explanations of ethics, and the heart of leadership is defined as morally and technical good or effective and also believes that ethics is

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