Personal Budget, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement

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Personal Budget, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement Memo Matthew Moshi ACC/547 July 22, 2013 Joseph Pizzillo MEMORANDUM TO: Fiala Logan, Client FROM: Matthew Moshi, CPA (KPMG Consultant and Tax Practitioner). DATE: July 22, 2013 SUBJECT: Review of the client’s personal balance sheet, cash flow statement, and budget CC: Susan Logan, Client’s Spouse Dear Fiala Logan, “The average person in the United States saves less than three cents of every dollar earned.”[1] Hence, it should come as no surprise that many households have inadequate funds for long-term financial security. This is a far from ideal scenario for single individuals, married couples, families, etc. The effective planning of household saving and spending decisions is essential insofar as providing a strong foundation that not only facilitates wise money management today but also future financial prosperity.[2] Saving is the primary path to achieving financial success. In this respect, KPMG remains committed to assisting the Logan household in making the most of the family’s current personal economic resources with the goal of attaining long-term financial security. Hence, effective money management is KPMG’s primary focus in respect of providing consulting services to the Logan family. KPMG reviewed the Logan household’s personal financial statements and budget as part of its consulting services. The ensuing discussion summarizes KPMG’s findings and offers recommendations to the family in respect of improving the Logan’s current and future financial situation. Before delving into the summary of the findings and recommendations relative to the Logans’ personal financial statements and budget, it is necessary to provide a summary of the underlying facts pertaining to the Logan family. Summary of Facts Relating to the Logan Family Educational

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