Personal And Professional Healthcare Communication

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Personal and Professional Health Care Communication With the passage of President Obama’s health care reform in 2010, (111th Congress, 2010), health care systems will undergo many changes in the way services are provided, how health care roles are carried out, and how patients and their families are educated and informed about their care and health maintenance. As politicians, government officials, and hospital administrators labor to iron out the specifics of the health care reform, one thing is for certain—nurses are at the forefront of impending transformations in our health care system and it is vitally important that they learn to collaborate and communicate effectively with patients, families, and other health care professionals in order to provide safe, quality, and cost-effective health care. In a CBS News (2010) interview with Rebecca Patton, the American Nurses Associations President, she stated that nurses are “in a unique position to counsel and educate patients” on how the health care reform will affect them. The purpose of this paper is to define health care communication, discuss the theories and relevancy of effective personal healthcare communication with other healthcare professionals, clients, and patients; the relevancy of effective professional healthcare communication to health outcomes; and how the lack of effective communication contributes to poor health outcomes. Definition of Health Care Communication According to Northouse and Northouse (1998), “Health care communication is a subset of human communication that is concern with how individuals deal with health-related issues” (p. 3). As a specialized field of communications, health care communication focuses primarily on issues in the health care settings (Northouse & Northouse, 1998, p. 4). As the field of health care communications continues to grow, health care
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