Person Centred Planning

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1.1. Person centred thinking is a set of values, skills and tools used in person centred planning and in the personalisation of services used by people who need support provided by social or health care. A person centred review uses person centred thinking tools to explore what is happening from the person and other peoples perspectives, and to agree actions for change. 1.2. So they are involved in their person centred plan. So they can say what's important to them, so they know what is expected in a team plan, so they can use their creativity without fear, so they can choose what support they need or want, so they can speak freely or communicate how they like. 1.3. Person centred thinking and planning is based on an explicit set of beliefs and values concerning people with disabilities, services and communities. At the heart of all the planning approaches is the belief that every single individual has their own life to lead, a life that is right for them. 1.4. Beliefs and values differ when it comes to assessments as you want the individual to live their life how they want, however, their safety needs to be implemented also. 1.5. Sorting important to/for helps us to see what is important to the individual and what makes them happy. So this can be used in their plan but also health and safety to go with it. The doughnut sort helps the individual know where they can be creative without fear and it clarifies the roles of the different professionals and agencies supporting. Matching staff helps people think about what kind of paid support they want or need, which in turn helps in recruiting staff members. Relationship circle helps see if there are any important issues around relationships and helps identify relationships that could be strengthened. Communication charts is a quick way of seeing how someone communicates. A way of enriching the level of

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