Performance And Culture Test.

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Performance and culture test. Performance test: Consist of problems that minimize or eliminate the use of words. Culture –Fair test: Like performance test, minimize or eliminate the use of language. They down play the skills and values. Do we need performance tests or culture –fair test? Why or why not? Testing, in education and psychology, is an attempt to measure a person's knowledge, intelligence, or other characteristics in a systematic way. There are many types of tests. The results of one person's performance may be compared with those of many others who have taken the same test. Why do some children build towers with blocks, cry when they scrape their knees? Why are some children able to perform entire piano concertos or master complex mathematical concepts, while others cannot even learn to communicate in the normal way? The quality of a test is judged by three major standards: • Validity • Reliability • Practicality. Controversy does arise, however, when one tries to examine the extent of cultural influence on human behavior. Just how many of our abilities and shortcomings are innate in nature, and how many are acquired through our interactions with the different culture. Individuals differences in intelligence and performance, can explain a difference in environment and mental stimulation. I was raised as a hand on learner. You show me something I can do it. I was not raised to sit and study books. I look at performance teat as a crutch to some people. They are judge in their ability to perform a task .if you do not perform to their standards; you are then categorized as a type of group. I see a lot of intelligent individuals, who are “So smart there stupid”. I had a neighbor growing up, who was a bio-medical engineer. He would work on these complex machines, but had no clue how to fix his lawn mower .He used to come and get my dad to
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