Importance Of Perfect Parents Essay

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Parents play a major role in the life of a child. Children learn what they live. Good parenting is invaluable to our society as lack of good parenting can have long-term effects on children and on society. So, what makes perfect parents? Well, perfect parents would be those who provide a stable and loving household for their child, those who set boundaries and enforces them while allowing some leniency for independence, and those who maintain a good relationship with their child. Perfect parents maintain a good relationship with their child because they express their love and affection, listen to them, spend a lot of time with them, and love them with all their heart. They are able to give them a little encouragement and appreciation, tell their child they love them daily, give lots of hugs and kisses, and just love them unconditionally. This boosts the child’s confidence and well-being. The parents wouldn’t want for their child to be who they think they should be in order for them to earn their parent’s love. The parents express interest in their child and get involved in the little things their child does in life. The parents also create an…show more content…
When the child acts out in a harmful and spiteful manner, instead of saying, “you’re bad” or, “go away,” the parents are able to tell their child that their behavior is unacceptable and suggest alternatives to their bad behaviors. The parents wouldn’t publically humiliate their child; they would take them aside and scold them privately. Humiliating a child in public makes some children lose their confidence. The child should be able to feel safe at home. The parents should respect their child’s privacy as they want their child to respect theirs. The parents also wouldn’t argue with each other in front of their child, it makes the child feel scared and

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