Pereya Begum Trial

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Did Pereya Begum receive justice? Or does Bangladesh need to overall their justice system? Have you ever had acid thrown on your face like you we’re some laboratory garbage? Well for this woman in Bangladesh, this nightmare happened. She was being stalked by a man that liked her. Her feelings were not mutual as his, so the heartless man threw acid on her face. He should have gone straight to death row, because of his un-human actions. Instead he was sent to pay a fine for the damage. Why make him pay a fine instead of actual punishment? Pereya, the lady whose face was abolished by the acid thrown on her, had to endure physical and emotional pain. That’s pain that will never go away. Her face will never fully heel. Her cheeks were melted and her right eye was blinded and hollowed like a crater. She had a lot of medical needs. She had 6 surgeries, and had to wait 2 days for the hospital to attend her. Her son was also injured. The man’s punishment was not served enough. The man’s fine was too low, just money being paid for the damage instead of physical & emotional time in prison, what he deserved. Also the money that was given to her, will never give her back her face. A stricter rule in Bangladesh should be made. A woman’s face is deformed, and the man who did it to her only was sentenced to pay for somewhat of the damage. In America, women choose to get surgeries. In Bangladesh, women are forced to get surgeries to cover for some of the damage acid has done to their face. The number of attacks of acid thrown on the face has increased. In 1996, there were 80 attacks, 1997-117 attacks, and in 1198 there were 180 attacks. Most acid attacks are mainly done in Bangladesh due to the low punishments given. If this case was thrilled in the U.S.A, the sentenced would have been harsher considering the physical damage. Most of the time, in a case, when a fine is

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