People vs Modern Technology

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People will not be able to hone their writing, critical thinking and communication skills if they are too dependent on modern technology. Many of them would argue and say that it is not true, but as we are becoming overwhelmingly dependent on technology we are not applying our own ideas to what we are performing and just rely on technology. Many may disagree to the fact that computers are not bad for us that computers help us in many aspects of ours, which is true; but they don’t see the consequences to it. For example, it can make us overly dependent on computers/technology. Technology without a doubt is a useful tool and would certainly make our life more productive. Life is easier with technology and helps us to record and organize the information that we need. “It gives us ways to communicate easier and faster with the use of our mobile phones and social networking sites” (Heinrich, 2008, p.09). Technology has found its way just about in every aspect of our lives providing a great feeling of relief in having all things performed all at once. Now the question is are we relying too much on technology? The effect of being too dependent on technology on technology in our lives is making us lazy. It makes us not read books and making people not value the importance of reading. “When I think of a question, I don’t go to the library to try to figure it out. I instantly whip out my Iphone and “Google” my question. If I can’t find the answer right away, I just think it doesn’t exist (Dufour, 2012, p. 1). With the effect of too much dependency on modern technology we get too addicted where we are holding our mobile phones 24/7. “A human being has a 24/7 technology habit, even checking messages in the bathroom and all sorts of places” (Soong, 2009, p. 1) Also, technology makes us lazy where we rely too much on technology. The disadvantages of technology that

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