People Today Are Selfish

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Nelson Mandela said, “ There is enough on Earth for every one’s need, but not for every one’s greed.” Indeed, many historical events, like the outbreaks of World War I, World War II and the Gulf War, are illustrations of mankind’s insatiable wants. In my opinion, people nowadays are increasingly avaricious and selfish, fulfilling their own desires at all costs. To begin with, the depletion of natural resources can showcase how greedy people are. Non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels and precious stones, are exploited at an astoundingly fast rate so as to fulfill mankind’s needs for faster transportation and a myriad of commodities. Every year, more than 15,000 square kilometres of forests are cleared to expand cities or to provide timber for construction. These disastrous exploitations may be done without any consideration for the welfare of future generations. Statistics published by the United Nations showed that if people continue to excavate iron at the current rate, this crucial and imperative metal may be used up by 2050. Thus, the greed and desire of humans has resulted in the deterioration of the natural environment and the depletion of precious resources. Moreover, egoism and materialism can be distinct traits of youths nowadays. Some youths, especially those in developed countries or those from affluent backgrounds and nuclear families, may be pampered by their protective parents. Such a sheltered upbringing may result in youths’ development into self-centered, greedy individuals as they take the care and concern that they receive for granted. A study by Pew Research revealed that 65% of teenagers in the United States and the European Union agreed that money was important as they could use money to purchase commodities to fulfil their daily needs or make themselves appear more attractive. However, it is a shocking fact that more than 68% of

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