People Should Give Up on Cars.

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Topic: “People should give up their cars to save the Earth” In this modern and busy society, people seem to be revolved around new technology and neglected the forceful impact causing to our mother earth. A first-class example of new technology is a vehicle assembled with four wheels, doors and windows – a car. Based on an article published by The Star Newspaper, it stated that 33 millions vehicles on the road, 27 millions are cars. The massive amount of cars on road conveys several effects on the environment. I strongly agree that people should give up their cars to save the earth. First of, according to Environmental Protection of United Kingdom, statistic proved that cars account for 22% emission of carbon dioxide which is the major contributor to climate change. World’s climate has been fluctuating throughout this decade and it arise the concern of many. Ices in North Pole are partially melted due to the drastic increase in temperature. This does not only affect the habitats living in North Pole but causing sea level to rise on top of this. In addition to that, floods occur more frequently damaging infrastructures and taking away innocent souls. Hence, cars should be given up in order to prevent further changes in climate which may lead to unexpected disasters. Furthermore, vehicles emission of heavy substances such as chlorofluorocarbons, CFC in short, has effect on ozone depletion. Ozone layer helps to protect life on earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays which will cause severe skin cancer. Based on an abstract from Australia Health Ministry, 1% reduction in ozone concentration will increase ultraviolet radiation exposure by 2%. This will cause an increase in the incidence of skin cancers of between 3% and 6%. Therefore, amount of cars should be reduced as toxic gas emission result in thinning of ozone layer causing ultraviolet ray to penetrate and

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