Patterns and Trends of Health and Illness

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Patterns and trends of health and illness Social class The patterns and trend of ill health in social class depends on the class that you are and the work that you’re doing. For example, if you’re a doctor you’ll be seen as higher class due to the level of medical attention that would be seek and taken by them, themselves or the people around them. The higher class people’s health is higher and they have a higher life expectancy than the lower class people. This is due to them being able to afford the healthier foods and not being able to eat junk foods. On the other hand, lower class people pick up the habits of them being able to smoke, drink and have junk foods. This is due to them being able to afford foods that are unhealthy which has a bad effect on the body making it harder for their health, and if they were to come ill harder for them to get better due to the lack of nutrients that they are receiving in their poor diets. In these areas of lower class there are fewer doctors, this is due to the high rate of illness that is in the area and the high level of people that need help. Lower class people are more likely to suffer from flu, cancer and other disease due to the misdiagnoses, and the lack of medical attention that is in the area. Mortality and mobility rates are a significant difference between the different groups and classes around the world. This reminds us about the on-going economical and the social factors that other people in other countries are faced with. There poor living and the living conditions that they would have to satisfy for would come under as inhumane. These countries are under the early stages of development with the medicine and the modern industrials societies. For example the mortality rates in Ealing would be 95 per 1000. The life expectancy of people living now days are higher due to the changes in health and the
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