Pathetic Fallacy Essay

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Pathetic Fallacy For some very odd reason, weather always affects my mood of the day at conscious and subconscious level. I can understand how the cold, for example, would lessen one's temptation to go out and play, but in most cases, I just don't seem to get a grasp of why weather affects my mood. Fall quarter: what heavenly weather. Every day I woke up reborn, feeling like a slinky spring - light as a feather, swift as a hummingbird. The word that comes closest to mind to describing myself during that time of weather would be "buoyant." The sun literally was my sunshine. It kept me lively and energetic for a whole 24 hours and some more. I did my homework as soon as I was assigned it, I did great on my classes. There was, though, one computer science class that I, till this day, hate with a burning passion. Thank God I got it done with right away. Taking that class fall quarter of freshman year is arguably the best decision I've made in my life, and will ever make throughout the remainder of my life. All in all, I was what one would describe as a happy - very happy - man. Alas, nothing lasts forever. Winter quarter started, and as the appropriate title of the quarter suggests, wicked, windy, weary winter had come along to obliterate all that keeps my mood happy. It was windy, and I don't like wind blowing in my hair, especially when it's cold and makes my skin reptile-like because of all those goosebumps. It rained. I know how it seems dreamy and romantic in films when two people with young love living in them share a passionate kiss in the rain, but people need to realize that films are very obviously not real - I'm not talking about documentaries. I'm talking about real life which dictates the grim reality of everything being monotonous in comparison to films: no background music and almost negligible probability, if no chance, of anything fantastical happening.
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