Pastoralia Essay

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In life there are different types of people, people who will help you and people who will betray you even thought you give up your own goals to solve theirs. Altruism is the practice of caring about the needs of others before dealing with your own needs. Egoism is the practice of wanting the properties of others, and been selfish by caring about yourself. A writer name George Sounder use Altruism & egoism to describe the working situation of people. The story Pastoralia was about a cavewoman name Janet and a caveman with an unknown name that are put to a test or an experiment. They have to learn how to get along with each other and how to survive without using the modern objects that they normally use. They needed to do an evaluation to each other at the end of every day, but the confrontation between then gets bigger day by day. In the story “Pastoralia” the author use altruism to describe how the caveman protect the cave woman even thought she is not behaving well putting his own job at risk if they discover that he is laying. “Janet was speaking in English, the caveman says she was doing her job” (Pg: 1-3). While they were inside the cave they weren’t allowed to communicate in their own language, they had to use the language communication that not even then could understand. But Janet always use to speak in English, even thought she knew it could get her fire if the caveman report her bad behavior, but he decided to not report the way she was handling her job. “Do I note any attitudinal difficulties? I do not. How do I rate my partner overall? Very good. Are there any situation which required medication? There are not” (Pg: 24-25). The caveman wrote a note report to their boos telling him Janet’s behavior, but he lie because he says that she is doing good when she is doing worse day by day. He knows that by telling the true about her behavior will leave her

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