Past, Present Future Essay

808 Words4 Pages
To be honest, writing a 750-word essay about yourself is probably one of the most doable essays, all things being equal. You can go for the route of I did this, I did that, my family was this, they were like that. Or try the old schoolboy trick of "highs and lows" from my schooldays over 40 years ago -- 750 words is pretty short then to cover just two things (high and low) for each category. For the introduction, follow Deirdre Beecher's suggestion. It's good. For "my past," just choose two things, one high, one low. Describe briefly and explain why they are high and low. That should easily cover 200 or 300 words. For "my present," two highs in the last couple of years and one low. Upbeats should outnumber downslides by 2 to 1. Describe briefly and show why. Another 300 words. For "my future," this is a little harder. One professional thing you want to do, one personal thing, and one thing you would like to do but unlikely to carry out because of reasons. Another 300 words. Finalise by trimming the fat out, recast (re-edit), and write out a fair copy. The go to Word Counter to count up the words. Done. Updated 21 Feb, 2015 • View Upvotes More Answers Below. Related Questions How can I write a "tell me about yourself" essay for university? Essays: What are some good prompts to help me get started on writing (whether it be a poem, a story, or song lyrics?) Essays: I need to write an essay about social welfare, justice, or ethics, and relate it to microeconomics. What would be a good topic to write about?... Essays: How do you write an essay in Japanese (do they use 丁寧語, structure etc.)? Which type of citation do they use? Essays: What is an online novel or essay writing website so that others can read and comment on it? Deirdre Beecher Deirdre Beecher, Voracious Reader 1.2k Views Well you have a pretty good structure from the title. Introduction - Me: Your

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