Passive And Active Learning

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Learning strategies can be separated into two main paradigms: passive learning and active learning. Passive learning is a method of teaching that is the primary status quo within the educational establishment; however, advocates the position of active learning because it is more interactive and more oriented towards the student. The basic argument between passive and active learning is about teacher-centered and student-centered classrooms. In the passive learning method, the teacher is the source of information and instruction in the classroom, and the role of the student is limited because the teacher has all of the power in the educational equation. This way of teaching centers on the teacher in terms of their communicating to the student, rather than the other way around. In passive learning, without exception, across the span of grade levels, teachers do most of the talking, “students produce language only when they are working directly with a teacher, and then only in response to teacher initiations.” In most cases, when students do respond, they are simply providing information recall. Active learning, or student-centered learning, provides an option or a set of options that provide alternatives to passive learning. One of these active learning options is for the teacher to find an individuated sense of balance between active and passive in the classroom environment. Teaching lessons in today’s classrooms should be about realizing that the classroom is neither wholly teacher-centered nor wholly student-centered: it is a successful combination of the two that creates the two-way street of educational success. Effective teachers are not just there to teach the students, but also to learn from them. This learning process must happen on a daily basis for effective growth to be realized. In this paradigm, the teacher is not simply involving and preparing
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