Part-Time Job for Students, Good or Bad?

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Some school or college students prefer to have a part-time job that they do during the week after school, on weekends or during the summer. Other students prefer not to work and to rely on their parents for an allowance. In your opinion, should young people have a part-time job? Explain your reasons. It is becoming more common these days for school or college students to have part-time employment. Some work after school, some on weekends, and others work during the summer break. There are, however, some students who prefer not to work and to receive an allowance from their parents. It is my belief that it is better to work, whenever it is, than not to. There are many reasons for my belief that having a job is beneficial for students, one of the most important of which is that it teaches them responsibility. They have to arrive at work on time and carry out their duties satisfactorily. They learn to co-operate with other members of staff and have to work as part of a team. Young people also learn the skill of how to manage the money they earn and have some measure of financial independence from their parents as well. Above all, it prepares them for the world of work that they will one day be part of. On the other hand, having a part-time job means students might not be able to balance their time successfully to both study and work. This could lead to their studies suffering and their grades dropping. They could also become more interested in earning money and working rather than attending to their studies. In addition, there is the further problem that working as well as studying can be very tiring and the person would be unable to concentrate on his or her school or college work. All things considered, and despite the aforementioned disadvantages of a student working, I believe that on balance it is preferable for a student to find a part-time job, as it teaches
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