Parapharasing Essay

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Discuss the important of paraphrasing and referencing in academic work. Paraphrasing is the use of another’s ideas to enhance your own work. In a paraphrase, you rewrite in your own words the ideas taken from the source. Paraphrases avoid excessive reliance on quotations and demonstrate that you understand the source author’s argument. A paraphrase always has a different sentence structure and word choice. When done well, it is much more concise than the original. Kesselman –Turkel and Peterson said, in their book research shortcuts (Contemporary Books,1982)”Most student make too little use of paraphrase. It’s easy to know what to put intoyour own words. if it’s unclear or uninteresting, rephrase it is better words.” Good writers signal paraphrases through clauses such as “Werner Sollors, in Beyond Ethnicity, argues that….” These phrases indicate the source of the paraphrase and help integrate the borrowed ideas into your own work. Because a paraphrase is your restatement of a borrowed idea, it is not set within quotation marks. Though the ideas may be borrowed, your writing must be original; simply changing a few words or rearranging words or sentences is not paraphrasing. In fact, it’s plagiarism, a severe academic offense that can result in expulsion from the university. Paraphrasing means to put someone’s words or ideas in own words so that it can be understood easily in our simple words and we can make other clear about the related topic. In academic work it is very much important. Not everyone has got equal talent or ability to understand or interpret any topic given in the text book. One may interpret it in one way and other in other way. Whatever may be the interpretation the main theme of the topic is same for all interpretation. When we paraphrase any topic then we can understand it very clearly as it is expressed in our own words and we will

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