Paper Books vs. E-Boos

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Paper Books vs. E-books In today’s world technology is ever-changing. It affects everything we do including how we read books. When a new title is released we now have a choice of which format we want to read it, either a paper book or a downloaded e-book. Reading is important no matter what form we choose and there are good and bad things about both. When making a decision sometimes it comes down to how long you wish to keep a book, how much space you have to store your books, finances, and the accessibility of new books. You also need to consider if you plan on sharing your books and the best format to have in order to do that. The desire to read is timeless. Paper books have been printed for centuries and before printing they were hand-written. One beneficial aspect of paper books is that they last for as long as the physical components do. As long as the binding and pages hold together, the book will last. Unless you lose a book, as long as you take care of it, you can have it for a long time. You can own an E-book for a long time too, providing your information is backed up somewhere or your digital reading device does not break. Storing and carrying books is another aspect you must look at when deciding between paper books and e-books. Carrying more than one book at a time can be cumbersome. This is not an issue if you only read one book at a time. However you must decide what you want to read before leaving your house, or carry multiple books. E-books allow you to have instant access to your entire library all the time. Although your electronic library may be handy, it can only be viewed by one person at a time. Paper books may take up more space but many people can look at a shelf of books at the same time. Where do you like to read at? If you enjoy long time frames of reading you have to consider this question as well. If you prefer to read for
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