The paparazzi are a menace to society and should be banned

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The paparazzi are “men of remarkable guile, diligence and sophistication.” Many may not agree to this statement of reporter William Langley’s; in reality some might even say the paparazzi are pests and stalkers, however I believe this is incorrect. When you mention the paparazzi, the majority would definitely bring up numerous negative points and hardly any in favor of the paparazzi. Yet that is because we have not truly understood the job of a paparazzi- the effort, devotion and dedication one has to put in is extraordinary. The paparazzi are often misunderstood as intruders of privacy, but all they do is their job -to take photos of celebrities. It is said that a paparazzo can destroy a star’s career, but in William Langley’s article he mentions that the paparazzi are actually “facilitators of public fascination towards celebrities”. Moreover, if you are a celebrity, you should know better that being famous means having to sacrifice your privacy and personal life in other words. As Janice Min, editor in chief of US weekly says, “...if you are getting $20 million for a movie…you have accept that… you are a public commodity.” During 2004, the Mel Gibson movie “Paparazzi” came out to the public. However, it was disappointing to see that “Paparazzi” was an extremely bias movie. In the movie, it included scenes of paparazzi using trickery, spying, and breaking and entering just to get embarrassing shots of main character, famous star Boe Laramie. To audience who do not know much about paparazzi, it immediately sets a negative impression. Actually, the paparazzi are quite the opposite of the image described by Mel Gibson. They are devoted, determined and diligent. The paparazzi have a difficult job- often putting up with discomfort and patiently waiting in terrible conditions. William Langley mentions what they have to put up with- “Hours spent standing in
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