pandora & prometheus

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When conversing the myths of sacrifice, with regards to Prometheus’ theft of fire and Zeus’ creation of Pandora in Hesiod‘s Theogony and Works and Days, it is seen in many different perspectives as J. P Vernant suggests that Prometheus brought about the separation between the gods and man and the prominent void that separates them, much to the similarity between the distance between man and beast as this makes “the very status of man”#. Prometheus continues to make great sacrifices for man as these myths of sacrifice can be considered to be subliminally directed to the morals of humankind or perhaps it could be viewed as the relationship between sacrifice and fire as this is related to Prometheus in both his first and second tricks/deceptions towards Zeus, as Greeks burned the bones in honour/interaction towards the gods and Prometheus was the provider of both the fire and sacrificial bones to man. Either way, different conclusions can be drawn about the myths of sacrifice and can have various insight which can be interpreted differently. when comparing the similarities and differences between the biblical myths of the Garden of Eden found in Genesis and the Greek myths found in Hesiod, it is found that there are some similarities with regards to the creation of Pandora and Eve, the creation and origin of womankind, marriage, toil, labour, and suffering in the world. In both myths, there is disobedience involved with regards to the release of these malicious forces, and the devious consequences that followed. It is most often believed that Prometheus was the creator of humanity from primeval earth and water. He taught mortals all the human arts and was their protector. Prometheus would sacrifice himself when stealing fire back for man in order for mankind to be civilised. (fire is often associated with civilisation). The myths of sacrifice can be deciphered in
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