Pan-Arabism And Syria

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Syria considers itself to be the “beating heart of Arabism”, however, there are many factors that led Syria to choose to unite itself with the greater Arab cause. Syria as a state is largely artificial which has left it intensely irredentist and lacking little notion of Syrian identity as it has no prior history of state hood. Furthermore its people are highly religiously mixed consisting of Muslims, Christians, Alawis, Druze and Ismailis with the Arab language being their only uniting point. Finally, due to Syria’s small size and population they are subject to being the victim of their stronger neighbours. Syria’s lack of national identity has powerfully affected its foreign policy, which can be seen in its strong affiliation with Pan-Arabism. Syria was subjected to French rule until it attained independence in 1946. The name Syria formerly encompassed the entire Levant region however the Syria of today is a much smaller state. The post-independence period was quite unstable with a large amount of military coups leaving Syria under Emergency Law since 1963, which effectively suspends constitutional protections for citizens. The government has justified this by the state of war, which continues to exist with Israel. The Ba’ath Party has governed the country since 1963 with most of the power concentrated to the president and a small number of political and military personnel. The main mission of the Ba’ath party is to unify Arab states – Pan-Arabism. The Syrian state was subjected to French rule and detached from what was considered historic Syria (bilad ash-sham) by creation of separate mandates in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan. Therefore, national identity tended to focus on the suprastate “imagined communities” of Greater Syria, Islam and finally Pan-Arabism. Syria’s irredentist views of wanting to take back the land of greater Syria as well as more
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