Painting Styles Essay

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Introduction to Painting Styles
Paintings come in different sizes, shapes, forms, contrasts, colors, and types to name a few points that make each painting different. Neoclassicism, impressionism, and abstract expressionism are three different styles of paintings. The names of the three types of paintings came from the development and the interest of the artist around this certain time for each style. Each painting style has its own uniqueness. Neoclassicism is art that shows art forms that is more classical from ancient Rome and Greece and different types of architecture from the time of the 1500s to the late 1600s. Impressionism painting does consist of a lack of detail, and most of the paintings were landscapes and capturing the nature’s beauty and showing the natural light through the different but not bold colors. Impressionism started in the mid 1800s and began with a great portrait of Napoleon the Third. Abstract Expressionism started near the mid 1900s near World War 2. An abstract expressionism painting has shapes, forms, lines, and stylistic tactics. As you read additionally into this essay, you will learn more about each style in more depth and about some artist.

Neoclassicism Neoclassicism came in many forms of art there is architecture, painting, and sculptures. Neoclassicism is French, and expresses sacrifice, courage, and the love for a person’s country. Greek mythology has strong references to the style of neoclassicism paintings because it is placed on a pedestal forms. The paintings would have themes and different characters in the paintings while keeping the setting in the classical time by the surrounding, and clothing worn. Most of the time is was once subject to be painted. The assets shown in the portraits of the neoclassicism paintings are a woman who dressed well, and are no longer giving the
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