P1 – Explain The Principal Psychological Approach

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P1 Explain the principal psychological perspectives. Behaviourist approach Your behaviour is learned as the individual is the product of there environment because they are born a blank slate. this theory is part of the extreme nature, nurture debate because theorists believe that individuals where nurtured to become what they are and learn there behaviour for example skills and values through their environment another example of behaviourism is that when the phone rings we know that someone is on the other end, we weren't born knowing that. To make this scientific there needs to be observable behaviour that can be measured. where behaviourism is concerned there many different types of conditioning such as classical conditioning which is the stimulus and response theory this backs up the idea that behaviour is taught which Ivan Pavlov demonstrated in different experiments. he proved that you can teach teaching something to associate another thing with an other for example in his dog experiment he taught the dog to associate getting his food when the bell rang which made him dribble because he know his food was coming. In this case the bell was conditioned stimulus and the dribbling was the…show more content…
like the phone you weren't born scared of the hospital it just came down to experiences like being scared of animals they weren't scared of dogs but they may have been bitten by one which has made them scared. it may not have been a case of you experiencing the situation that has made you scared but could be that you witnessed it; if your mum screams at a spider at a young age you may associate the spider with loud noise and screaming and therefore become

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