Oxymorones Essay

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What is an oxymoron? Basically, an oxymoron is a phrase or figure of speech that takes two words together that appear to have opposite meanings, i.e., a contradiction in terms. Oxymoron comes from two words in Greek: oxy, meaning sharp, and moros, meaning dull. These are two opposites – so you could say the word oxymoron is an oxymoron! The plural for oxymoron is oxymora. Examples of Oxymorons As with many other literary and rhetorical devices, oxymorons are used for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they are used to create some sort of drama for the reader or listener, and sometimes they are used to make the person stop and think, whether it's to laugh or to ponder. One famous oxymoron is the phrase "the same difference." This phrase qualifies as an oxymoron because the words "same" and "difference" have completely opposite meanings. Therefore, bringing them together into one phrase produces a verbally puzzling, yet engaging, effect. Oxymorons from Everyday Life Whether you know it or not, you have probably used some, or at least heard, some oxymorons in your every day life. * Great Depression * Jumbo shrimp * Cruel to be kind * Pain for pleasure * Clearly confused * Act naturally * Beautifully painful * Painfully beautiful * Deafening silence * Pretty ugly * Pretty fierce * Pretty cruel * Definitely maybe * Living dead * Walking dead * Only choice * Amazingly awful * Alone together * Virtual reality * Random order * Original copy * Happy sad * Disgustingly delicious * Run slowly * Awfully good * Awfully delicious * Small crowd * Dark light * Light darkness * Dark snow * Open secret * Passive aggressive * Appear invisible * Awfully lucky * Awfully pretty * Big baby * Tiny elephant * Wake up dead *
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