Overcoming Vices Essay

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Overcoming Vices! Compiled from the writings of David Brandt Berg We all have habits, both good and bad. Anything you do automatically without consciously thinking about it, or without specifically deciding to do it, is a habit. Good habits or practices--such as tidiness, courtesy, good manners etc. are a real blessing. But when the habits you've picked up are BAD or DESTRUCTIVE, and you find them hard or almost impossible to change, they are known as VICES. There's a true story about a man who owned an eagle, and for many years had chained him to a stake. Over the years, the eagle had walked around and around that stake so much on the end of his chain that he'd worn an actual rut in the ground. Finally, he was getting old and his master felt sorry for him and thought, "These are his last days, so I'm going to set him free!" So he took the metal ring off the eagle's foot, took him up in his hand and tossed him into the air. But what do you suppose happened? The old eagle had almost totally forgotten how to fly! He flip-flopped right back down to the ground, walked back over to the old rut and started walking around the rut like he had done for years! No chain or birdband held him!--Just the habit! It has been said that "The chains of bad habits are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken!"--EXCEPT by the Lord! And "Habit is a cable; you weave a thread of it every day, and at last you cannot break it."--These are very true. How many times have you tried to quit a bad habit, but found yourself almost powerless to get rid of it or stop doing it, no matter how much you tried to exert will power against it? The fact is that, in one area or another, we are all weak and very human and fallible, and subject to many different problems which can turn into bad habits and vices. What most people do not realise is that a vice or a bad habit is often MORE
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