overcoming life's challenges

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Young adults must learn that life is full of obstacles and challenges, like dealing with school, work, and family. Sometimes those challenges can have devastating effects on young adult minds and bodies. In order to overcome life’s challenges young adults need to learn how to manage time, how to manage stress, and how to be flexible. A great thing for young adults to learn early is how to manage time, wether at home, school, or work. It can be very helpful. The best way of doing so is to set schedules to follow, plan things ahead of time, and allow 10 to 15 minutes in between activities; time management is crucial when a person is supposed somewhere when he or she is supposed to be there . Managing stress is one of the most crucial things young adults must learn, because stress can do a lot of bad things that can effect you mentally and physically. A lot of young adults turn to drugs and alcoholism as way of dealing with stress, there are many other positive ways of dealing with stress, like just having alone time to think and read, another way is talking with someone about the root of the stress, the turth is there are millions of other ways, but stress management is a great tool in being successful. When someone is faced with a challange, they must face it head on and be flexible. Flexibility can relieve a lot of tension a person carries, because if you can arrange your time and tasks, things will go a lot more smoothly. Facing challanges is something everyone must go through in order to grasp what it means to "grow older. " Flexibility means that one have the ability to put
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