Outline the Claim That Consumption Reflects and Shapes Our Lifestyle and Identity.

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Outline the claim that consumption reflects and shapes our lifestyle and identity. This assignment will outline the claim that consumption reflects and shapes our lifestyle and identity. The assignment will begin by explaining the key content words; consumption, lifestyle and identity. I will then with the aid of the study material begin to outline the claim by looking how society in recent years has moved away from an industrial society to a consumer one and that now what a person buys and consumes tells us more about their identity, personality and the lifestyle they are involved in. I will then explore whether everyone has the ability to adopt and maintain a particular lifestyle through consumption specifically focussing on Zygmunt Bauman’s ‘seduced’ and ‘repressed’ theory. After this I will look at the role that shops and specifically supermarkets have and whether we do have the control which we think we have in what we consume and in turn the lifestyle we want. Finally I will draw a conclusion to the arguments presented. Consumption is the acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services. The way people consume began to change with the introduction of department stores in the 1860s. People were introduced to a new way of shopping, no longer did people solely shop for necessities they did so for pleasure, consumption became a lifestyle choice. The industrial society gave way to a consumer society. In modern day society to the majority of people image is vitally important. What people buy, how they use them and how they dispose of items has become important indicators to their identity and lifestyle. Lifestyle ‘A shared set of activities and forms of identification that can be recognised as being part of a distinctive way of life’ (Hetherington et al., (2009), p,20). Someone’s lifestyle has become more of an indicator of who a person is and their

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