Outline and Evaluate the Functionalist Theory of the Role of the Family in Society

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Outline and evaluate the functionalist theory on the role of the family in society (33 marks) Functionalism is a macro theory which means it looks at a wider sociological view. It focuses on the importance of the nuclear family (mother and father married with their dependent children). Their theory on the role of the family in society is therefore supported by the New Right. Functionalists view the family as working like a human body, they see the family like the organs, vital for survival and all working together to perform. In particular they focus on the nuclear family. The functionalist view of the family in society is that it maintains social order. They argue that the family is beneficial for the whole of society not just the individuals themselves. . A weakness in this argument is that it can be seen that functionalists adopt too much of an idyllic view of the family, an example being it ignores dysfunctional families such as abusive relationships. Murdoch (1949) identified four main functions of the family: the sexual, reproductive, economic and educational. These four functions cover the role of family in society. The sexual and reproductive functions are essential for the survival of humankind. The economic function is the parent’s responsibility to take care of the family financially, usually for functionalists through the sexual division of labour where the man will take the role as the breadwinner and the woman will adopt the expressive role and take care of the home and children due to her nurturing instinct. The final function identified by Murdock is the educational functional, where the children are taught primary socialisation roles such as norms and values. Parsons stated that one of the main functions of the family was primary socialisation of the children-to prepare them with the norms and values they need to succeed in society. If they are
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