Outline and Evaluate One or More Biological Rhythms (24 Marks)

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Outline and evaluate one or more biological rhythms (24 marks) There are three main biological rhythms in psychology, Circadian, Infradian and Ultradian. Circadian Rhythms last 24 hours, ultradian rhythms last less than 24 hours and infradian rhythms last longer than a day but less than a year. Ultradian rhythms are bodily rhythms that last for less than 24 hours, such as the feeding patterns of many animals, and the stages of sleep which last 90 minutes in total. For example, there are 5 stages of sleep. In stage 1, the heart beat slows down, muscle tension is reduced and alpha waves are replaced by slower theta waves. Stage 2 sees the emergence of irregular bursts of electrical activity known as ‘sleep spindles’; at this stage we are ‘properly’ asleep. In stage 3 there are very slow waves with large amplitude. This is the first stage of deep sleep. During this stage, heart rate and body temperature continues to fall. Stage 4 sees the electroencephalography (EEG) dominated by delta waves and our metabolic rate reaches its lowest. And finally, stage 5 sees the occurrence of REM, or paradoxical sleep as our brain is very active but our body is paralysed. Infradian Rhythms are bodily rhythms that last for more than a day but less than a year, such as the menstrual cycle in women. The function of the menstrual cycle is to control ovulation and prepare the female for pregnancy. The pituitary gland releases the hormone FSH and LH to stimulate the follicle in an ovary causing it to begin to ripen an egg and begin releasing the hormone oestrogen. Once the egg has ripened the follicle starts to release progesterone which increases blood flow to the womb, thickening the lining and thus preparing it for potential pregnancy. If there is no pregnancy in two weeks the progesterone production is reduced which causes the womb lining to be shed. An issue with studies on the REM
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