Outline and Evaluate Cognitive Interviews

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The cognitive interview was created by Fisher and Gieselman in 1992, the cognitive interview is a memory retrieval technique which aims to bring out more accurate information from eye witnesses. It consists of four stages: Report everything: The interviewee is asked to mentally recreate the environment from the original incident including weather conditions and their feelings. Report everything: The interviewee is asked to report every single detail of the incident even if it may seem irrelevant. Changing the order: they're asked to recall the incident in reverse order, this is to stop them relying on their schemas when recalling. Recall from changed perspective: this is where they are asked to imagine they were somewhere else or someone else recalling based on their point of view. There are a number of studies that demonstrate the positive effectiveness of the cognitive interview; kohnken conducted a meta analysis of 53 studies and found a 34% increase in correct recall using CI compared to the standard interview. This was supported by Geiselman et al who conducted a study to see the effectiveness of the cognitive interview compared to traditional interview techniques. Videos of violent crimes were shown to students where two days later they were either asked to recall using the standard interview or the cognitive interview. The students remembered more items when interviewers used the cognitive interview compared to the standard interview. This study demonstrates that the Cognitive Interview technique is more effective than the normal interview procedures for retrieving accurate testimonies. The cognitive interview, however, involves an in depth exploration of the interviewees experiences which can be stressful or traumatic therefore it is essential that the interviewees are ensured protection from harm; this is an ethical issue. Geiselman's studies were lab

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