Outline 2 or more studies of cultural difference in relationships

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Research has suggested that relationships can differ between Western and non-Western cultures. This is mainly down to differences in values of individualist and collectivist cultures. Individualist cultures value independence and making your own choices, whereas collectivist cultures value interdependence and making choices to suit the needs of others. One study conducted by Moghaddam (1993) looked at how these differences may cause cultural differences in relationships. Moghaddam’s study conformed this in individualist cultures there is a main tendency to choose partners on what’s best for themselves, whereas collectivists tend to choose on what’s best for the group. His has led to a favouring of non-voluntary relationships in collectivist cultures. This study suggests that there is this choice element that underlines the reason for differences across cultures in relationships. Moghaddam et al go onto suggest that these cultural differences may be the cause of more frequent divorces in individuals cultures due to people believing they should still be making choices to benefit themselves when married. Although statistics have shown to support many of the suggestions implicated by this study, it is important to take into account how much non-Western cultures are changing and becoming more urbanised and thereby more individualist. This means that non-Western relationships are much less collectivist and ‘group based’ as they were. This study is also mainly based on correlation findings; therefore a cause and effect are not established there may be other contributing factors. There have also been many studies into cultural differences of arranged marriages and non-arranged marriages. For example, whether arranged marriages are really so different from what happens in Western situations. It can be argued that although marriages in Western cultures are not a forced
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