Our duty to obey unjust laws

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In contemporary society, laws play an indispensable role to ensure the safety and interest of individuals and avoid social riots and chaos. At the same time, it is inevitable that laws contain some flaws and fallacies, which was treated as unjust laws. Under such circumstances, should we protest against unjust laws and obey just laws? Undoubtedly, we should adhere to just laws, for they can maintain social orders and stability, stimulate harmonious development as well. Meanwhile, It is necessary for us to rebel against unjust laws that may potentially exert a detrimental influence on social well-being, and to seek changes for the betterment of laws. However, there has no a universal standard to evaluate the farness of laws. Whether the law is just or unjust depends on one’s personal interests and value system. Towards the same law, one may see this clause to be dubious while the other sees it perfectly making sense .For instance, "abortion", "euthanasia" are the central of violent controversy, some regard them are unjustifiable as against basic human right; thereby forbidding by laws. Ironically, some hold the view that they are acceptable as people can choose their lifestyle freely. Then what is ultimately responsible for the justice of a law? Here I cited Martin Luther kings' saying "a just law is a man made code that squares with moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. "Thus, when a law contradicts with high social morals ,ethic or religions, it is reasonable for them to find a suitable way to protest against laws. That is also the reason why we have so many anti-war parades and civil rights movements. The second fundamental problem is that in what way an individual can show discontent towards an unfair law. The consequences of merely disobeying or resisting a law for some people, more often than
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