Othello Literary Essay

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Othello Literary Essay William Shakespeare’s play Othello, showcases one of the most evil villains in literature: the manipulative and dishonest Iago. I will show how Iago is trusted and loved by many because he displays an outward show of loyalty and honestly yet in reality he has an ulterior motive of evil and destruction. Through his devilish ways, he gains control over Brabantio, Roderigo and Othello.
Iago is the epitome of a narcissist and he brilliantly manoeuvres his victims in order to take control over all those around him. They become victims as they mindlessly follow him. The lovesick Roderigo believes that ending his life is the only answer to end his suffering and bring him peace after losing the ‘fair Desdemona’. Iago senses that Roderigo is vulnerable and propositions him. Iago leads Roderigo to believe that if he ‘put[s] money in [Iago’s] purse’ and ‘be conjunctive in [their] revenge’ against Othello, there is a guarantee that Desdemona will be his. Roderigo agrees to be an accomplice to Othello’s defeat in hope of attaining Desdemona. Roderigo “[will] go sell all [his] land” and give over his money to Iago in his mere desperation of uniting with Desdemona. Roderigo believes that Iago is merely trying to be a loyal friend. In truth, Iago needs Roderigo’s money and agreement in order to fulfil his evil schemes. This therefore reiterates Iago’s manipulative ways of using others in order to achieve his final goal.
In addition, not only does Iago shape people’s beliefs and behaviours but he is also successful in shaping their speech. Iago wakes Brabantio in the middle of the night to tell him the news of Desdemona’s elopement. He calls out urgently, ‘What ho, Brabantio! Thieves, thieves thieves!’ He informs him that his daughter is ‘making the beast with two backs’. He corrupts Brabantio’s image of Othello and ingrains this foul language within
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