Organizational Culture Ar Eskom

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Introduction One of the primary responsibilities of strategic leaders is to create and maintain the organizational characteristics that reward and encourage collective effort .Edgar Schein, an MIT professor of management and author of the organizational culture and leadership has developed that an organization ‘s culture has been developed to help it cope with its environment ;also Schein contends that many of the problems confronting leaders can be traced to their inability to analyze and evaluate organizational structure . 1.1the background Organizational culture is visible within the corporate arena as it relates to employees ‘s beliefs, shared , values and behaviors. Culture directs an organization decision making process and can have powerful effect on a company’s welfare and accomplishment . South Africa being a melting pot it society has a complex set of value , belief and behavior systems that impact on the economy of the economy of the country to some extent. the overall economy being mostly driven by the energy and mining sectors fully rely on the energy sector for growth and productivity. performance management systems in most organizations are controversial, ineffective and constantly under construction. they are so problematic that critics argue many organization would be better if they simply did not have a performance system , particularly one in which performance appraisals are tied to pay actions. The specific context use to develop or improve the problems arising in today organizations is Eskom ,the power generation industry that provides electricity, and the South Africa main’s power utilities company. he capital expansion program undertaken by Eskom has been ongoing and is mostly aims to build mega coal fired power stations which ensure a sustainable power supply and fuel the economy of the country. Eskom being a multicultural
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