Organization as Political System

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Organization as political System Before identify the role of organization as a political it is needed to clarify the meaning of Organization. Organization is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. When Considering the organizations There are a variety of legal types of organizations, including corporations, governments, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, and universities. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems--they affect and are affected by their environment. Further to above Explanation, based on the topic that discuss, also can identified two type of organization. Organization that are directly involved the politics which a known as political organizations and the organization which are not coming under political organization. A political organization is any organization that involve in the political process. The legitimacy of political organizations is political foundation. Political organization including political institution, political parties, political groups- e.g. advocacy groups, Interest groups etc. Political organizations are engaged in political activities aimed at achieving clearly-defined political goals, which improve political system, benefit the interests of their members- e.g., members organizing, campaign, etc. While parties are one type of political organization that enlisted with election authority & engage in some or all of those activities, they are distinct in that they typically focus on supporting candidates for public office, winning elections and forming
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