Organic Food: The Option For Worldwide Benefits

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Organic Food: The Option for Worldwide Benefits In our everyday life there are several choices on how and what people eat. Unfortunately, people do not always make the best choices for their bodies, environment, and even their economy. When people hear organic food, they automatically think about dietary substances that are good for one’s health; however, this is not necessarily the only thing that it benefits and should not be the only reason for people to consume organic foods. There are three practical reasons that explain why people might consume organic food: it is excellent for one’s health, more fitting for the environment, and better for the economy. Organic food has a number of positive benefits for one’s health. Foods that have been processed, grown through chemical procedures, and genetically modified have a less appealing sound than that of foods that have not gone through these modifications. Organic foods, unlike foods that are not made for quality, have positive affects known to improve a person’s health. Due to the fact that organic food is produced without pesticides, herbicides, and genetic modification it is known to supplement the body with the nutrition and fluids that are necessary to have a balanced, healthy body (“Quality Organic Food,”2009). Organic food has higher nutritional values ("Organic food: organic," 2009). Even people who do not eat a balanced variety or serving of vegetables and fruits, can continue to eat the same amount they have been, but switch to organic food and gain more nutrients for the body that it needs to function properly. The increase in nutritional value can, in addition, build up the immune system, which in turn will keep the body from sickness. Studies have also revealed lower levels of chemicals in the urine of people consuming organic food ("Organic food: organic," 2009). By reducing the volume of consumed

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