Organic Food Essay

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Organic Food I. Introduction: In today’s world, with the increasing growth rate of various diseases related to foods such cancer, food safety is becoming a matter of serious concern, which lead consumers to be more aware of the importance of organic food in daily life. However, there is a fact that a larger number of people do not understand what “organic food” exactly is. To clarify the concept properly, this essay will answer 3 questions: what does “organic” mean? What are the benefits of organic food? How to understand the organic food label? II. Organic means how the food is grown and processed. In other words, this method must meet two elements of environmentally sustainable agriculture which recycles resources and promote biodiversity. 1. Crop must be grown without synthetics, pesticides, chemical fertilizers... in safe soil, separate from conventional products. 2. Livestock is feed outside without antibiotics, growth hormones... III. Organic food provides variety of benefits. 1. It contains fewer pesticides. 2. It is often fresher. 3. It is better for environment. IV. To shop organic food, consumers should understand what food label means. This means all of organic products must be certified by third party or organization that is accredited by USDA. These are the labels required as follow: 1. “100% organic”. 2. “Organic”. 3. “Made with organic ingredients”. V. Conclusion. In conclusion, because of the demanding of food safety, it is likely that the proportion of organic food is growing considerably to become an alternative choice to future food supply rather than conventional food for
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