Optimum Nutrition Essay

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Dr. Emanuael Cheraskin (1989 a) comments the condition on an individuals health is determined by what we choose to put into the body. And states, “if we want a high performance vehicle, we need to provide it with high performance fuel.” A lot of nutritional value is lost in food for various different reasons ie: freezing, storage, cooking as well as other factors that can deplete body stores of vitamins and minerals such as psychological stress, surgery, lack of exercise and environmental pollution. Furthermore, optimal eating for optimal living is categorized in to 3 groups. Foods to avoid, foods to eat liberally, and foods to eat sparingly. Individuals with different nutritional requirements find a balanced optimal diet helps readjust their metabolic balance which can eliminate a variety of food related problems, disorders and diseases. Many individuals are nutritionally depleted due to years of neglect of from lack of nutritional foods, which can be remedied by improving the quality and kind of foods that are consumed and a quality vitamin/mineral supplement. Because a lot of nutritional value in our food is lost, and life is filled with emotional stressors, if optimal health is an individual’s goal, a high quality supplement is no longer an option (Cheraskin, 1989 b). Rapid development in scientific fields and particularly population based epidemiological evidence during the past decade has helped to clarify the role of diet in preventing and controlling morbidity and premature death which result from non communicable diseases. Through industrialization, urbanization, economic development and market globalization, rapid changes in diets and lifestyles have occurred, therefore is having a significant impact on the health and nutritional status of populations and individuals. (WHO, 1990, p.1) Nutrition is becoming a major adjustable element of chronic
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