Ops 571 Final Exam Latest Uop Course Assignments

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OPS 571 Final Exam 1. Which of the following is considered a major process flow structure? • Lead Time • Fabrication • Lean Manufacturing • Project 2. ISO audits result in certifications that are done by first, second, or third parties. Which of the following result in the best certification of a firm? • Certification is sought by any firm assuming they pay annual dues. • 2nd Party – where a customer audits its supplier • 3rd Party – where a qualified national or international standards/certifying agency serves as an auditor • 1st Party – where a firm audits itself against ISO standards Find the final exam answers here OPS 571 Final Exam 3. Which of the following is ISO 14000 primarily concerned with? • Quality management • Time management • Continuous improvement management • Environmental management 4. Which is the one correct value stream principle? • Look for efficiencies in the factory, office, physical, procedural, and technical operations. • Eliminate waste that stops, slows down, or diverts the value stream. • Concentrate on speeding up value-adding operations rather than removing waste. • Keep the value stream moving at minimum velocity. 5. What is the starting point in developing a capacity plan for a health care operation? • Determining the effective capacity over time • Estimating design capacity • Forecasting patient demand for a reasonable length of time • Discovery of the bottleneck operation 6. Which of the following is considered an organizational blueprint, which prescribes the quantity and time frame for when each end product will be assembled? • MRP (Material Requirements Plan) • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) • MPS (Master Production Schedule) • WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) 7. Which of the

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