Opinion Essay About Testing and Examination

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Testing and examination are needed to check and value our knowledge gained during studying or to allow us to enter to higher education institutions. However, nowadays testing is overvalued and a great amount of pressure is placed on teachers and young learners. One of the major disadvantages is that the importance of testing and fulfilling all its requirements are being put on teachers’ shoulders. Knowing this, it can be clearly seen that teachers pay less attention to subject they are teaching and how they are doing that while trying to complete all obligations that were set for them. This, however, is very off-putting for young learners, many of them tend to lose the interest in the subject. Furthermore, the pressure of testing is the most damaging to young students or pupils. They strongly believe that testing will have a strong impact in their lives, because of this they spend hours studying and memorizing, leaving too less of time for themselves. What is more, the emphasis that is put on examining causes unnecessary stress and sometimes even worse consequences such as depression or chronic fatigue. Despite the disadvantages, it is undeniable that testing is needed. Testing can also motivate a student to work harder and strive for a higher score. What is more, testing cannot be avoided if the education institution has a continuous assessment system or a student wants to enrol a higher education course. To sum up, nowadays testing is viewed in an inappropriate way – the pressure that is being put on students and teachers is too great. However, it is obvious that testing cannot be avoided to motivate or measure the knowledge of young

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