Online vs Classroom Learning

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What are the Pros and Cons of online learning as opposed to classroom learning? There are many Pros and Cons to online learning as opposed to classroom learning. For starters the preparation time for classroom learning is much more straightforward then online. Typically, after buying your textbook, you are ready to attend class and participate as indicated by the syllabus with classroom learning. With online learning, since many online courses are offered in shortened semesters, having a plan for completion of work is helpful. Completing the introductory module before class begins is recommended. The logistics/pace is also very different as with classroom learning it occurs at a set time in a set location with the instructor typically controlling the pace. As where online the student determines the time of day and location for participating in activities. Student may complete some work at his or her own pace, however, due dates are typically included and many activities are intended to be completed during specific weeks of the course. In a classroom lectures are presented orally to a group at the same time. This allows for immediate questions and changes for clarification purposes. This allows the instructor to see students' nonverbal responses to information and check for comprehension. Online lectures can be viewed at a time that is convenient for the learner. The instructor cannot see students and will only know if problems exist if the students contact him or her. Questions can be submitted at any time for clarification purposes. Discussions in classroom learning often occur and add to interaction in the classroom. May be monopolized by only a few students if not effectively facilitated. Sensitive topics may discourage participation. Discussions are oral not written. Many instructors opt for lectures instead of discussions. In online learning discussions are
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