Online Counseling Essay

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Online counseling has become increasingly popular in recent years due to higher numbers of people becoming fluent in the use of technology. Outline the ethical concerns regarding this form of counseling, and what measures can be taken to ensure ethical standards are met. Refer to research-based articles in answering the question. Cyber psychology has emerged as a popular trend over the past few decades, reaching higher and higher numbers from year to year. Cyber Technology elaborates the study of human experiences which is closely affiliated and affected by developing technologies (Richards 2013). Following the drastic technological growth, e-counseling has developed gradually in the past 15 years. Richards (2013) claims that research has shown that online counseling despite everything can have a great impact and is able to replace most of the conditions of face to face counseling, but still show their uncertainty about the possibilities of establishing a strong therapeutic relationship in space. As Young (2005) states that even though the online counseling has inclined drastically over the past decade, very little empirical proof exists, which makes it harder to understand the real meaning of e-counseling. Even though online counseling has a lot of benefits, there is a high concern due firstly to the quality, secondly to the ethical and moral issues occurring every day during the sessions (Baker, 2011). Online counseling is known for having a large variety of benefits for both the counselors and clients. Some of the most common reasons why online counseling is becoming a popular trend is firstly it’s allowing the counselor to contact the client whenever they want, secondly if it is in some cases impossible or hard for a client to reach the psychological clinic (Chester & Glass, 2006). Among other positive advantages, if a certain clients arrival to the hospital
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