One Person Who Changed

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Me: I’m The One Person Who changed For the Better Over the past year, everything in my life has completely changed. The ways that I think, react, and live now are totally different. As I was growing up my father would mental and physically abuse me. The situation that I was in cost me many things in my life, but in retrospect I have gained more than I have lost. Six months ago I had hit rock bottom. I lost my job and got put out my parents’ house for the fourteenth or fifteenth time. I was at a payphone, going to call one of my friends to come pick me up and as I was catching my breath. I couldn't think of anyone to pick me up. My life had been totally cut off because of all the wrong decisions that I was making. It was like I had flashbacks of scenes through the last four years of my life and I saw how I was reacting to situations, and I saw how everything I did was only fixing things in the short term. I came to accept what had happened to me in my past and I decided to move forward towards a better future. I made a call. I took an offer to live with my best friend and her family and made a promise to myself to look for a long-term answer. Since I have been living with my new family, I still talk to my mother and brother and I see that even though the same patterns are still occurring, I can look back now and see that I have moved on to another level of awareness. I am now no longer content to play the same old roles of the one that bears the blame that my family expected me to play. For four years I was entirely focused on my problems while the world went on around me. Now I want to see what I have been missing. I can see how my situation has set me apart from others but people intrigue me and I want to listen to their stories and ideas and learn what makes them tick. My teacher gave me an escape from the same old roles that I had been playing. He showed me
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