Oil Spills Essay

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Oil Spills Oil spills have always been a big problem throughout the world. It is normally caused by people who makes a mistake or are careless and cause an oil tanker to leak oil into the ocean. A lot of the reasons can be the equipment breaking down may cause an oil spill. If the tanker again, they can put a hole in the tanker causing it to leak oil. These problems are very serious, and yet people continue to be careless. Many people dump oil into the ocean because; they don’t want to pay to decompose it. Terrorists may cause an oil spill because they will dump oil into a country’s ocean. Many terrorists will do this because they are trying to get the country’s attention, or they are trying to make a point to a country. Natural disasters can also cause oils spills. If a hurricane was a couple of miles away, the winds from the hurricane could cause the oil tanker to flip over, pouring oil out. These are all huge problems that the world is having. People don’t think of the effect it has on animals. Birds die from oil spills if their feathers are covered in oil. The bird will then be poisoned because it will try to clean itself. Animals may die because they get hypothermia, causing their body temperature to be really low. They may die from really low body temperature. Oil may also cause the death of an animal by entering the animal’s lungs or liver. The oil spills affect the Sea Birds the most. Seabird may get covered in the oil. The thick black oil is too heavy for the birds to fly, so they attempt to clean themselves. The bird then eats the oil to clean its feathers and poisons itself. If workers have found sea birds that are not dead because of oil, they will take the birds to a cleaning center or captivity where they are kept in a facility because they cannot live in the wild on their own. Sea otters are affected because when the oils cover’s their bodies,
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