Benzene has been known to be a carcinogen, while the rest of the chemicals are unknown what long term damage it could cause. Another danger of fracking are spills. Spills occur during the adding of the fluids as well as during the results of the flow back. Drill operators will eventually have spills throughout this process. Hoses can be undone, gaskets can fail, pits leak and liquids always hit the ground, repeatedly in large quantities.
When we refine or even dig up oil sands we produce harmful chemicals. Since Alberta oil sands are located near major rivers some of those chemicals end up in the rivers. The most famous case is with the Athabasca River, where the water is contaminated by many harmful chemicals. The Athabasca water ecosystem is slowly being poisoned and so are the people that use the water for their water supply. The oil sands maybe a large part of our social and economic structure, but they are slowly ruining our environment.
Personal misfortune through injury or death decrease the size and eminence of work in the labor force. Also damage to buildings and equipment used on a daily reduce the amount of investment needed to provide goods and services. Natural disasters often destroy people’s possessions while also contaminating air and water, killing fish and wildlife, and damage’s other natural assets. Likewise, “U.S. Gulf Coast, a major producer of oil for much of the nation.
More animal species are becoming endangered or extinct as a result of global warming.” “The carbon emissions, pollution and human health problems that have resulted directly from the Industrial Revolution’s accomplishments have only been disastrous for the world environment. For example the increase of the production in the textile industry, iron and steel and the steam power. As a result, many people died cause of too much smoke spread in the air. Another example according to the reading, air and water pollution came from coal burning, as well as most stages in the production of metals and basic chemicals. Moreover, “The advent of the steam locomotive and railroad also saw the start of major pollution caused by big business, which is all too often seen today.
Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” is a method of harnessing energy by drilling beneath the surface and releasing gas from shale rocks. Workers do this by injecting a mixture of chemicals, sand and water into the ground under high pressure, causing the rocks to explode. The shale gas then rises out of the well, similar to how an oil rig works (BBC News, “What is fracking and why is it controversial?” 1). However, fracking causes a huge problem with the environment, especially fresh water for sustaining life. The harmful effects of fracking need to be stopped, but only if we understand what damage occurs during this process so that we can come up with solutions to save drinking water.
Africa and Florida’s environment both have issues and damages. The damages of the environment affect the animals that live in the area. Florida is known for its pollution in certain areas and this is what hurts the animals, from ranches and farms polluting the watered area where animals live they die off because of what is thrown in the water. In 1990, Florida Legislature banned drilling. This drilling happened on the coast-line with this happening most drilling comes with oil and with oil in the way of an animal they’ll get covered in it and soon die.
Even though there are people against fracking, the opposites consider that it could be good because it will create jobs, Americans could have their own energy and the U.S.A will use less coal. People who are against fracking claim that it has negative environmental consequences. The drillers use acids such as Boric Oxide and Hydrochloric that are used to clean swimming pool filters. Moreover, they use detergents one of them is Sodium Hydroxide.pH buffer. It is very corrosive and causes severe burns.
It would result in services being unable to reach areas due to the flooding and many more lives could potentially be lost. Human factors however, are huge in earthquake hazards. The main human factor is the fact that we have settled near/on fault lines and live in areas that we know are vulnerable to earthquakes. Along with this there are issues such as building on reclaimed land which can lead to liquefaction and whole areas are destroyed due to being unsafe to live in. This also leads to fires starting which add to the death toll.
136). The implications for this are staggering with obvious increases in oil spills, GHG emissions, land and water usage. The oil sands have devastating ecological impacts which which must be addressed to fully comprehend the lasting effects of uninhibited industrialization in Canada. These ecological impacts have a direct and quantifiable relationship to human communities locally and across the
Many benefits come from the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. Oil spills happen in the United States as a result of negligence and lack of over-sight of aging equipment, and training. The Act continues to improve and protect the oceans from pollution. Purpose of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 was a direct result of an earlier incident known as the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The Exxon Valdez oil spill was the largest oil spill in the history of the United States (EPA, 2011).