Essay On Oil Spills

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Oil Spill Human behaviors have a great impact on environment. One of the major impacts is oil spill. Oil spills generally happen when an oil tanker leaks oil in the ocean. Oil spills can occur intentionally or just by mistake. Countries at war may be a reason for an oil spill while illegal dumping of crude oil instead of decomposing it is another cause. Equipment failure or breakdown causes oil spills too. Oil spills have major impact on environment. Oil spills have a devastating and long-term impact on waterways and coastal areas around the world. When a spill occurs, oil rapidly spreads in the water thanks to currents and the wind. As it spreads, oil mixes with water and becomes sticky, clinging to helpless marine life unable to avoid its deadly pursuit. The environmental effects can have serious consequences for many marine populations. Oil can cause hypothermia and drowning of birds as the oil breaks down the insulating capabilities of their feathers, makes them heavier and compromises their flying ability. It can also cause hypothermia in seal pups and otters as the oil destroys their insulating fur. What's more, birds and other…show more content…
Dabbling ducks including the American black ducks and mallards are often victims of oil spilled into the shallow coastal and inland waters of their habitats. Oil spills can have more devastating effects on some bird populations than on others. Birds that lay several eggs are more likely to recover from deaths caused by oil spills than those that lay fewer eggs. Spills can also severely harm turtle eggs and damage fish larvae, causing deformities. Shellfish and corals are particularly at risk since they can't escape the runaway slick. Oil spills are also responsible for tainting algae, which perform a vital role in waterway

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